Center for Defense Information....Click here to see what "the nation's foremost independent military research organization" has put together. You'll find the latest defense related news from around the world, as well as many links to aid you in your research projects.......

Directorate of Integration....Army Transformation is here and it's real. We have the greatest Army in the world and we do so by continually evolving and developing. This is just the latest thing to hit the streets. Movin' light and hittin' hard is the name of the game. Click on the link to learn what is meant by terms like "System of Systems", "C4ISR", "Unit Set" and more. If you aren't currently in a unit affected by transformation, then here's a heads might be next, so get ready.............

Janes Information Group...You've seen Janes in book form, now see it on the web. Includes archives of photos of some of the most futuristic weapons systems to date....

Army Research Laboratory....Their mission is to execute fundamental and applied research to provide the Army the key technologies and the analytical support necessary to assure supremacy in future land warfare (that's a quote from the site). In short, this is a great site for those who get into the latest technological developments.

U.S. Army Research Institute....This is the Army's Center for Soldier-Oriented Research and Development. ARI is the Army's primary laboratory conducting research and analysis on personnel performance and training. Their focus is on the human element in the Army. Their research and analysis contributes to the entire life cycle of recruiting, selection, assignment, training and mission performance. You'll also find some information for downloading like FSG Handbooks, Command Climate Surveys, etc.........

Army Computer Emergency Response Team (ACERT)....In the fight against virus's, hackers, and general computer chaos, this site is ground level zero. Here you will find answers to just about any question you ever had about computer security. It's also a great source of information about the latest viruses, bugs, fixes, etc... The only drawback is that you must access the site from a .mil domain..........

Digital Logistics....The programmers at Digital Logistics have written some programs you'll want to use and they are totally free. There are various applications and I'm sure you'll find one or more that get your attention. When you're done checking out the free software, click on their link to the home page and find out what other military software products they've developed for sale and use by military personnel.............

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)....Information technology has become one of the more critical issues facing the world. Here's a site that places you at the center of it. Here's a quote from their mission. "The Defense Information Systems Agency is transforming the way Department of Defense users move, share, and use information. All DOD personnel need information whether they maintain or fly aircraft, operate a periscope, move a platoon, perform surgery, process transactions, or any of hundreds of other jobs supporting our country's defense." Couldn't have said it better myself..........

TSACS....If you use dial up TSACS to access your military network, you'll find this site invaluable.......

Defense Switched Network (DSN)....I know, you've looked everywhere, but just can't find those DSN numbers. Or, maybe, the telephone book you're using is a little outdated. Now, you can go straight to the source to find those up-to-date numbers. This site, sponsored by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), provides an on-line directory or, if you are so inclined, you can download the entire directory in Microsoft Word format.........

Defense Technical Information Center Home Page

Army Technology - The Web Site for Defense Industries - Army...If you like being on the "cutting edge" of technology (or if you just like seeing what's out there), then here's a site for ya.....see the latest weaponry and techno gadgets being developed.

Directorate for Information Operations and Reports....Here's an agency which tracks statistics on the Department of Defense. You'll find stats on procurement, personnel, medical care, and more. There are also some forms links that come in handy.

Product Manager - Global Positioning System....If you use the GPS (and who doesn't nowadays?) then here's a site you'll definitely want to check out. Catch up on some of the latest issues and changes or check out the "GPS Pathfinder" periodical.........

Global Positioning System (GPS)...If you have ever had any questions about how the GPS works, then this site is for you!...

Increasing use of "The Army Link" has necessitated the need for me to upgrade from a "free to maintain" website, to one that now requires monthly fees to the provider. This included an upgrade of available bandwidth so that visitors to the site can continue it's use without interruption. I also reserved the domain which ensures users of this site will always be able to locate it easily. The links below are to sponsors I am affiliated with in an effort to offset some of the cost. I have tried to choose those which will be of interest to visitors of this site. Rest assured, I will continue to maintain "The Army Link" for years to come. Our soldiers are always worth the time and effort!.......

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