World Wide Locator....If you've ever experienced the frustration of trying to find a soldier who PCS'd, or maybe just looking for a buddy you haven't seen in a long time, I have a site for you. This one is sponsored by EREC and allows you to locate any active duty soldier. You type in the name and SSN and the site will provide the address of the unit to which the soldier is assigned. If you don't have the SSN, you can still search based on the name alone. Every soldier matching the name you entered will be shown. The only catch to this site is that it can be accessed only from a .mil or .gov domain. If you are trying to access the site from a .mil or .gov domain, but you get error messages saying you are not authorized, contact your Network Administrator or IMO for assistance. The site is new and may not have your domain listed in their reverse lookup tables. Once in, you'll truly enjoy the possibilities this site presents..........

U.S. Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM) Home Page...This particular site will probably be a favorite for you. It has a substantial amount of command info as well as the latest promotions, trends, and related information for both enlisted and commissioned soldiers.

Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center....This is the place to go for questions about personnel issues (particularly yours.....) EREC is where enlisted soldiers' records are maintained and updated. At this site, you will find an invaluable amount of information about how to update your records, what to look for, how to prepare for boards, order your microfiche, etc.... Definitely worth your time to check it out.........

OMPF On-Line....Your Official Military Personnel File is the source which DA uses to make assignment and promotion decisions. Previously, the OMPF was available only on microfiche, but now, you can go on-line and review, verify and print out your records. This is a new system and is currently available only to Majors preparing for the Lieutenant Colonel selection board and Sergeants First Class preparing for the Master Sergeant selection board. Upon full implementation, the system will include everyone from Sergeant/E-5 and up. You will be prompted for your AKO logon ID and password to gain access to the system.............

Assignment Satisfaction Key (ASK)....We used to have what was referred to as an assignment "Dream Sheet" which allowed you to provide your preferences to your branch. It was often questionable if your information actually made it to DA, but now there is a resource which allows you to tell DA, directly, exactly where you prefer to be assigned. It's called the Assignment Satisfaction Key (ASK). You logon with your AKO account ID and password, then update all of your preferences. Another great bonus is that, by logging on, you can find out if you are currently on assignment to go somewhere (Just scroll to the bottom of the page at the ASK website, you'll see it in the last block).............

Levy Briefing Website - US Forces Korea....For those of you assigned in the Republic of Korea, you know how time consuming a visit to Yongsan for your Levy Briefing can be. Now, you can complete your briefing on-line from the convenience of your own computer. Remember, your PCS orders aren't generated until you've completed the briefing, so what are you waiting for? One note...... you must be on assignment instructions already, which means you have to wait on your PERSGRAM before you begin the briefing.............

Interactive Web Response System....This site is located within the US Army Enlisted Records Evaluation Center (EREC), but provides a service that earns it a separate link. By providing a Social Security Number, you can find out about your most recent DA Photo, NCOER stats and board information. It's a great way to verify that your NCOER is at DA..........

Department of the Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)....ARBA, on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, serves as the highest administrative level for review of personnel actions taken by lower levels of command and administers the Army Board for Correction of Military Records and the Army Discharge Review Board. The Agency is located in Arlington and is staffed by 131personnel of which 81 are civilians, 17 are military officers, and 11 are enlisted soldiers. The Agency also has support staff of 22 civilians co-located with the Army Reserve Personnel Command (ARPERSCOM) in St. Louis, Missouri..........

Life Insurance Program....You know we all pay for it monthly, but how many of us actually know how the SGLI and other insurance programs work? Here's the place to learn everything you need to know...............

Military Awards Page....This one is located within the PERSCOM Website, but deserved a link of it's own. You'll find information on all awards, to include the messages which authorize awards for specific areas and specific periods............... figuring out the order of precedence of your ribbons is causing you headaches, then this website is the aspirin you've needed. Simply select your ribbons and select "Build My Rack". It's just that simple.............

NCO Journal - Summer 92 - The Board....Here's an article I personally wrote several years ago, when I was a Staff Sergeant, based on my experiences appearing before boards. I have now scanned it and turned it into an Adobe Acrobat file for your convenience. If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, it's free and can be downloaded at the Adobe website......... you are getting ready for a board, then a visit to this site will be of tremendous value. You'll find a well arranged site with many subjects and questions. There are also quite a few links to other resources.............

AFN Korea Study Guide....Soldiers are always looking for more knowledge, especially right around time for the board. Here's a quality online study guide with you in mind. Enjoy and good luck on the board!.........

The Online Study Guide...I know the feeling.....the promotion board is just around the corner.....or maybe you're going to a Soldier or NCO of the Quarter Board.....and you just don't know what to study. This site should get you well on your way! Best of luck.........

Study Guide sponsored by the Ft. Sill NCO Academy....Here's a well arranged study guide set up in "frames" mode. This site is definitely easy to navigate and contains an extensive amount of information for soldiers preparing for promotion boards, Soldier of the Month boards, NCO of the Month boards, etc.........

Study Guide sponsored by Headquarters, U.S. Army Signal Center and Ft. Gordon....This study guide is set up for viewing on-line, or you can download the guide for printing and viewing off-line. Here, you'll find another outstanding source of information to use in preparation for that board that's just around the corner. Best of luck always........

Fort Gordon Study Guide....Well arranged study guide that is sure to help you prep for that next board. Good luck!.......

Army Awards and Decorations...Now here's a site you can interact with. The author has set up a page of Army awards that you can use to set up your awards. Simply click each award that you have and the program will assemble them together to show you what they are supposed to look like. You'll also be able to calculate promotion points or check out his online pay charts. Overall, a very well built site. You won't be disappointed ...

EDAS Users GuideAll leaders have an inherent need to understand what drives the system that controls promotions to Sergeant and Staff Sergeant. Here's a good look at what makes that system tick...

Online Promotion Point Worksheet...Here's another page from the author who created the "Army Awards and Decorations" page you'll find with the link listed above. This one is designed with Specialists and Sergeants in mind. If you are promotable or soon hope to be, this is a quick and easy way to find out how many points you have. Simply check the blocks for what you have and let the program do the rest......

United States Army Recruiting...If you are not in the Army, but your interests have drawn you to "The Army Link" , then a military career may be in your future. Click on this link to start you on the first step...

Reenlistment Information On-Line...This site provides the latest info on your options for reenlistment. You'll be "one click away" from all the latest on the BEAR Program, IN/OUT Calls, SRB/TSRB's and more. It's definitely worth the visit!.......'s a quote from their site......In today's world, there are hundreds of occupations from which to choose, so it's important to spend some time looking into your options. The U. S. Military is one option everyone should know about. Once you have the facts, you may discover for yourself the military is an excellent place to start your career. This Web site is THE leading career information resource for the military world of work. It gives you details on 152 enlisted and officer occupations, one by one. Because most military occupations are comparable to one or more civilian occupations, you are given the civilian counterpart for every applicable military occupation. In addition, this site describes training, advancement, and educational opportunities within each of the major Services -- Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.........

The Reenlistment Station....If you are thinking about enlisting, reenlisting or being a recruiter, then this site is custom made for you. Here, you'll find a wealth of knowledge in a layout that is easy to navigate. Give it a won't be disappointed.........

Increasing use of "The Army Link" has necessitated the need for me to upgrade from a "free to maintain" website, to one that now requires monthly fees to the provider. This included an upgrade of available bandwidth so that visitors to the site can continue it's use without interruption. I also reserved the domain which ensures users of this site will always be able to locate it easily. The links below are to sponsors I am affiliated with in an effort to offset some of the cost. I have tried to choose those which will be of interest to visitors of this site. Rest assured, I will continue to maintain "The Army Link" for years to come. Our soldiers are always worth the time and effort!.......

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