...The "Personal Pages" section has been created for those individuals whose pages defy placement above, but are of military interest. Many pages I have visited offer rare insight into the thoughts and reflections of soldiers, past and present, young and old. Those pages I proudly link here.......enjoy. If you wish to have your page added, please email me your URL for consideration. Please keep in mind, I fully support freedom of speech, but this page is not a sounding board for attitudes or anti-military views......I hope you understand. Thank you. Now, on with the links........

The 11 Bravo Website....Here's a personal page from a former 11B (like you didn't guess that.....) that takes you from start to finish, with the photographs to truly "take you there". Check it out. You might just recognize some of the ground the author has covered, or you might recognize the folks he has known....... You may even be one of the former buddies he's trying to locate........

Grnt4Evr....I'll give ya one guess......that's right, the name says it all. Here's a personal page dedicated to the Infantry, from someone who admittedly will be a "Grunt forever". Lots of great links and some sharp images to boot. Enjoy...........

My House....Here's an interesting concept.... a web site set up as a "house". The author has set up "rooms" for general information. He is located in the Fort Hood area, so you'll find many links from this particular region. Overall, a well built site that is sure to catch your eye. It's "open house" time.....check it out......

Grunt's Military Page...Here's someone who found a way to make a site interesting to military, civilian, and "soon-to-be" military. It's a good reference point for awards, courtesies, rank structure, etc....and it's a good "primer" for anyone preparing to join the military. This site also includes loads of information on Marines, Navy, and Air Force to boot.....Ya just can't beat it for all around knowledge......

Mike's Page....The Webmaster of this site is a former soldier with 5 years of service..... now he's in the National Guard in Florida. It's a new site, but should grow quickly.....enjoy and check out the links.........

Increasing use of "The Army Link" has necessitated the need for me to upgrade from a "free to maintain" website, to one that now requires monthly fees to the provider. This included an upgrade of available bandwidth so that visitors to the site can continue it's use without interruption. I also reserved the domain which ensures users of this site will always be able to locate it easily. The links below are to sponsors I am affiliated with in an effort to offset some of the cost. I have tried to choose those which will be of interest to visitors of this site. Rest assured, I will continue to maintain "The Army Link" for years to come. Our soldiers are always worth the time and effort!.......

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